Coastal scenery and walks that rival anything in the UK. The complex geology around Purbeck throws up an amazing variay of cliff-scape, ranging from the crumbling clays / shales around Kimmeridge, to the limestone around Gad Cliff and Tyneham Cap, to the brilliant chalkĀ  seen from Flowers Barrow looking towards Lulworth. Come inland to Swyre Head or Whiteway Hill and the gentle rolling green of the Purbeck Hills vie for attention.
sea mist creeps over Clavell's Hard
sea mist creeps over Clavell's Hard
Jurassic Coast
Jurassic Coast
gathering haylage
gathering haylage
Gad Cliff from above Broad Bench
Gad Cliff from above Broad Bench
east from Tyneham Cap
east from Tyneham Cap
shining white Bindon Hill
shining white Bindon Hill
thrift and chalk
thrift and chalk
Purbeck Hills from Whiteway Hill
Purbeck Hills from Whiteway Hill

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